Beginning Of The End Times Mod

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“The Hour will not be established-till the people of the desert (the camel shepherds) compete with one another in constructinghigh buildings.”

  1. Beginning Of The End Times Mod 1
  2. Beginning Of The End Times Mod 8

1. Skeptics deem prophecies about increase in wars, disasters and immorality as being too 'vague' to be taken seriously, and therefore not enough toidentify someone as a true prophet foretelling the future.

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However, there are other prophecies that accurately describe events and life in our modern world. One such prophecy that stands out is the one made byMohammad foretelling that the desert dwelling Arabs - once simple sheep and camel herders living in tents - would be competing in the construction oftall buildings. Today we have what we call 'skyscrapers', located not just in developed Western cities in North America, but even in Arab lands,places that are once mostly dry and barren with people living in simple houses and tents.
2A. The morality of these lavish displays of wealth are besides the point and out of the scope of this thread. Observant Muslims understand thatlavish displays of wealth and extravagance are against Islamic principles. Mohammad knew that 1400 years from his time, desert dwelling Arabs - whoaccording to Islam were to shun extravagance - would be competing in the construction of tall buildings! In fact, it is only within the last 3decades or so, that skyscrapers and highrise buildings filled the skylines of major Arab cities. The key word here is 'compete', which in thegiven context suggests constructions for the sake of status and prestige, as opposed to addressing practical needs. To my surprise, I recently learnedthat there IS such a thing called a 'skyscraper competition'!

One would have to be either blind or willfully ignorant (and I will absolutely NOT waste my time in dealing with either type).. to deny thatMohammads prophecy about competitions to build tall buildings has been fulfilled 100%. The people of the desert have competed to build tallbuildings. Given the prophecy, it is absolutely no co-incidence that

Beginning Of The End Times Mod 1

the worlds tallest skyscraper, the worlds tallest lighthouse and the worldstallest clocktower are all in Arab lands.
2B. Whats really interesting is that Saudi Arabia has announced plans to construct a gigantic 1 kilometer tall tower, that would be calledThe Kingdom Tower

Kingdom Tower (Arabic: برج المملكة‎‎ Burj al Mamlakah), previously known as Mile-High Tower, (Arabic: برج الميل‎‎),is a skyscraper currently under construction in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.... that will be located along the Red Sea on the north side of Jeddah. Ifcompleted as planned, the tower will reach unprecedented heights, becoming the tallest building in the world, as well as the first structure toreach the one-kilometre-high mark.

The recent announcement of the tower has provoked widespread and highly divided reaction throughout the media. Those who support the projectsee it as an investment that, although visionary, will have positive social and economic effects on the area as well as the country in the long term,while others see it as nothing more than the result of self-centered and attention seeking competition between oil-rich gulfnationsText that will serve no purpose other than as a white elephant, costing more and generating less than expected, if it even getsbuilt.

Detailed rendering of Kingdom Tower cut out to show floors
3. The Arab skyscraper prophecy is important because its fulfillment (among certain other prophecies not covered in this thread).. signals thebeginning of the end times. The implications of this is that the timing of the beginning of the end times is no longer a matter ofspeculation and conjecture. Rather, it has been confirmed that we have been living in the end times for quite some time now.
Beginning Of The End Times Mod And God knows best! Beginning Of The End Times Mod
edit on 21-5-2014 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2014 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

Beginning Of The End Times Mod 8

That sounds like a neat idea and i fully support this mod of yours. :thumbsup2
Also what about custom battles, will we for example be able to recruit Araby as mercenaries and will custom settlements and other improvements be added to it? I would like the idea of recruiting heroes and lords in custom battles, that would be a very nice touch instead of having a regular general like.all the time when i play custom battles.
Unfortunately I don't think it's possible to allow hero recruitment in custom battles due to M2TW engine limitations (though if anybody can correct me go ahead). As for Araby etc, they'll definetly be available for campaign map and custom battle recruitment (though perhaps not for Timesall factions in cases where the lore wouldn't make sense, like Brettonia for example).

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