March Mammal Madness 2019

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March mammal madness 2019 rodent recap

March Mammal Madness 2017 has come to a close.

Sea Lion inspired by two sculptures from Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is a trophy for my student who had the most successful predictions on her March Mammal Madness bracket. It features all of the organisms from the Final Roar. 2019 March Mammal Madness. Twitter: Follow #2019MMM or @2019MMMletsgo. 2019 MMM powerpoint.

Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species are honored to be contributing to March Mammal Madness, an annual tournament created by Dr. Katie Hinde of Arizona State University. MMM is a virtual battle of simulated combat competition among mammals. Scientific literature is cited to substantiate likely outcomes as a probabilistic function of the two species' attributes within the battle environment. Attributes considered in calculating battle outcome include temperament, weaponry, armor, body mass, running speed, fight style, physiology, and motivation.
Through the scientific information embedded in the bout descriptions, participants are educated about inter-species interactions, the importance of ecological context, how natural selection has shaped adaptations, and conservation management of endangered species. Journal of Mammalogy and Mammalian Species are proud to present this special collection of research curated around MMM competitors.

Information about March Mammal Madness 2017 and to fill out your bracket.

Honey Badger- Mellivora capensis: Mellivora Capensis

Guanaco- Lama guanicoe: Effects of Age, Sex, Season, and Social Dynamics on Juvenile Guanaco Subordinate Behavior

Sabertooth Cat- Smilodon populator: Genetic Variability and Biochemical Systematics of Domestic and Wild Cat Populations (Felis silvestris: Felidae)

March Mammal Madness 2019 Sweet 16


March Mammal Madness 2019 Tag Team Round 1

Short Faced Bear- Arctodus: Arctodus pristinus Leidy in the Pleistocene of Aguascalientes, Mexico

Bear Cat- Arctictis binturong: Scent Marking in the Binturong, Arctictis binturong & Copulatory Behavior and Reproduction in the Binturong, Arctictis binturong

Leopard Cat- Prionailurus bengalensis: Density and habitat use of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in three commercial forest reserves in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo

March Mammal Madness 2019 Wild Card

March mammal madness 2019 final roar

Spectacled Bear- Tremarctos ornatus: Ecology, Distribution, and Food Habits of Spectacled Bears, Tremarctos ornatus, in Peru

Clouded Leopard- Neofelis nebulosa: Species Distinction and Evolutionary Differences in the Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa) and Diard's Clouded Leopard (Neofelis diardi)

Red Squirrel- Tamiasciurus hudsonicus: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus

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