Best Titan Quest Builds

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2017 was certainly a year filled with plenty of surprises. As agape as the news of a semi-sentient Cheetos chip becoming the US President left mouths last year though, for me there were few things that matched the pure outta-nowhere-ness of THQ Nordic suddenly announcing a brand new expansion for Titan Quest, the critically acclaimed action-RPG that was originally released all the way back in 2006. When it comes to Ragnarok, the game’s second expansion after 2007’s Immortal Throne add-on, there isn’t much that’s surprising though – this is both a good and not-so-good thing.

Titan Quest Character Builds. With the release of Titan Quest Anniversary Edition comes a large number of brand new TQ players. Veterans of the game would have booted the game and seen with delight that all their previous characters were still here, ready to play. All that grinding, still worth it. However as there are now a fair few brand new TQ.

Ostensibly the game’s Act 5, picking up where Immortal Throne left off after the battle with Hades, Ragnarok will transport heroes to faraway parts of the world by breaking out of its Greek roots to tackle the frigid gods and monsters of Norse mythology with some Celtic and Germanic history thrown in there as well for good measure. In an admittedly serviceable tale that lasts dozens of quests and about 12 hours of gameplay (you can probably cut that down if you’re not as obsessive-compulsive about clearing every tiny corner of a map as I am – I have a problem) you will travel from dark German forests to the halls of Asgard itself as once again humanity is pitted against godly wrath, armed with just blade or staff.

Well, actually armed with a little bit more than that as Ragnarok brings with it new weapons and gear, as well as a brand new tenth mastery in the form of the Runemaster. This Nordic warrior-shaman class is adept at both steel and spell as they can buff their weapons with runes or use the same runes on the battlefield itself to control it.

Accessing the Runemaster – or actually just Ragnarok in general – is not a straightforward affair though. As previously mentioned, this is Act 5 of this story and thus it needs to be played using a character that has fought through the previous campaigns and is ranked up enough to tackle the high-level content of Ragnarok. If you picked up the Titan Quest Anniversary Edition – released in 2016 on Steam when THQ Nordic took over the franchise from original creators Iron Lore, and which is a requirement for Ragnarok – you probably still have your save games. Unless, like me, you came to the at-the-time logical conclusion that there won’t be any more Titan Quest and thus deleted your game install. Bye bye, Bob the Battlemage, I’m going to miss you and your badass Core Dweller pet, Fluffy.

If that is the case, and you have to start a new character, you only two choices: 1) Start the entire game from the very beginning or 2) create a new “accomplished hero”. The later will start your character at level 40 immediately, allowing you to put all the resultant points into any mastery skill tree you want. This is also the only way to use the Runemaster mastery as existing characters from old saves have no access to it.

As convenient as it is, the accomplished hero approach has a big drawback though, especially if you’re a new player jumping into Titan Quest for the first time. Usually selecting mastery skills – especially when you’re combining two different masteries to create a new class – is a bit of a trial and error affair, as you gauge which skills from which mastery skill tree compliment each other. But by frontloading all your skill points right off the bat for a brand new mastery, you will be picking skills that may not actually work together or which doesn’t suit your playstyle but you wouldn’t know that until you’ve already selected them.

Now obviously, Titan Quest: Ragnarok has not been designed for new players (despite the fact that there will be some for whom this is their first experience with the franchise and that for all intents and purposes the story here is pretty standalone). This is for the Titan Quest veterans who have spent the last decade pining for the old monster-slaying ways, and thus already have a firm grasp of the mechanics of how to build up a mastery. These are also the folks who won’t mind that this very much does not look like a 2017 game.

The Anniversary Edition brought with it support for higher resolutions and some new graphical tweaks and Ragnarok expands on that visual upgrade with new ragdoll physics, particle/lighting effects and refreshed UI. However, you just can’t get around the fact that this engine is showing its age. It looks good – some would say very good in fact for an 11-year old game – but it definitely can’t compete with modern rivals on the tech front.

What it lacks in bleeding edge bells and whistles, it makes up for in spades with nostalgia though. Ragnarok satisfies every itch that hardcore fans of the franchise may have been having. The music, the art direction, the mythological narrative – this is Titan Quest! There’s simply no other way to put it. If you loved the originals and longed for more then getting this is a no-brainer. And hey, they’ve even thrown in a pair of pants!

Yep, for the first time in the franchise’s history bare legs have been banished as you can now finally equip some trousers to go with the tunic or robe of your hero. And all the clothing can now be dyed with brand new colour schemes if that’s your thing.

Now I know that pants are possibly a definitive deal-sealer for many of you, but I would be remiss of me to not mention that Titan Quest: Ragnarok does have its quibbles. While for the most part, I enjoyed the time I spent with it, there are portions that feel unnecessarily grindy. THQ Nordic have boasted that Ragnarok’s size and scale dwarfs even that of Immortal Throne, but by the end of the game I was wondering if it really needed to.

There’s a surprising amount of backtracking during the adventure and quests and certain locations feel artificially padded out to make the content seem more expansive than it really is. There’s also some sparse and bland location design, with towns especially feeling less lively. The result is that these sections end up being simply boring as you need to trek through them and kill the same monsters a number of times.

This really is a pity, because when Ragnarok is good, it’s as good as Titan Quest has ever been. THQ Nordic is not reinventing the wheel here – they know exactly what worked before and simply do it again. This does leave this game a quasi-relic of its time in terms of presentation and gameplay, but if you just wanted more Titan Quest, then Ragnarok does not disappoint.

Last Updated: March 21, 2018

Titan Quest: Ragnarok
Appearing out of nowhere, more than a decade after the original game's release, Titan Quest: Ragnarok is a welcome and nostalgic treat for fans of the action-RPG franchise who longed for more. But despite the glowing nostalgia and overall thrill of being back in this world, this expansion has its flaws with unnecessarily boring bits and a dated presentation.
Titan Quest: Ragnarok was reviewed on PC

I just hit level 8 in Titan Quest and found that I can choose a secondary mastery. Warfare is my primary. I looked through the various options for a while and was a bit overwhelmed.

What secondary masteries (and skills) work in tandem with the Warfare abilities, and which don't work? For example, I saw one ability that looked like it would conflict with my 'assign this to left click' ability, so I figure I should stay away from that sort of thing (unless... do they stack?). Are there any particularly effective/fun combos to look at?

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Mag RoaderBest titan quest builds at lvl 40Best Titan Quest BuildsMag Roader
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4 Answers

Best titan quest anniversary builds

If you have the expansion pack, Dream mastery really goes well with almost anything (it's kinda overpowered, actually).

I played a Warfare / Defense (Conqueror) character once, it was quite a blast. It's more or less the straight up tank / warrior build, although you can specialize towards offense or defense by investing in either dual wield or shields.

TitanCalc is invaluable for trying out sample builds / seeing what you think you'd like to play.


I choose assassins (warrior & rogue), but I more like to use calculate strike (rogue) in my left click because it will do more damage then onslaught. with dual wielding, attack speed (warrior)and damage from assassin it will be god of war..


Rogue was always my favorite mastery to pair with warfare. Blade Honing and the poison skills synergize really well if you are doing dual wield


My main character is a complete tank, taking warfare as his primary mastery and defense as his secondary. Adrenaline boosts his healing rate more frequently than you might think (5% chance, but it sure goes off a lot). Quick Recovery helps him wade into large groups of foes and not lose his shield protection. Focus ups his chance of shield block, which means less damage and more survivability. There are just so many ways the defense mastery is a great second; they're practically made for each other.

The only negative comment I can make is that I focused too much on melee combat. The end boss from the original game gave my main character fits because he does so much damage in melee range. I basically had to run around plinking with a bow and dodging attacks, running in close for a big hit every now and then, while sucking down potions. It made that boss battle a lot more stressful. Other than that, though, my tank waded through the game slaughtering pretty much everything else with gleeful abandon. You should take a look at the following site, which gives you stats on all the masteries:


Titan Quest Best Builds Solo

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