Volts, Amps, Watages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance

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Single phase formula for you to use kW = I x E x pf/1000. Threephase kW = I x E x 1.73 x pf/1000. pf = power factor. Use .9 for pfand the answer will be close.

  1. Volts Amps Wattages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance Calculator
  2. Watts To Amps
  3. Volts Amps Watages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance In Excel

Ohm's law calculator calculation calculate ohms power formulas mathematical ohm's law pie chart electric voltage drop electric current resistance formula watt's law emf magic triangle tip online voltage volts resistor resistance amps amperes audio engineering E V = I R - P = V I calc conductivity resistivity relation relationship - Eberhard Sengpiel sengpielaudio. D = Distance in Feet (One way) i.e. ½ the total circuit length. I = Load Current. Note: the Value of ρ = Specific resistance or resistivity of Conductor is used here for copper and aluminum is 11.2 and 17.4 respectively at 53° C (127° F) Also check the “Good to know” Section after the calculator.

What is the full load amps for 2.4 hp motor at 460 volts?

what is the full load amps for 2.4 hp motor at 460 volts ?

How do you calculate KW from full load amps and volts from 3phase system?

You can't. Knowing the FLA and kV allows you to calculate the KVA; to calculate kW, you need the power factor as well.

How do you calculate amps to watts?

The most basic calculation is volts multiplied by amps of a circuit for a single phase load.

How do you calculate the current?

If the wattage of a load is known then the current can be calculated. Watts equals amps times volts. You would use the following formula, Amps = Watts/Volts.

What is the full load amperage of a 500 HP motor at 2400 volts?

Volts amps wattages how do i calculate the max distance chart

What is Full Load Amps?

FLA is the nameplate amperage rating of the motor when it is running at its designed horsepower and on the motors designed voltage. 746 watts = 1 HP. The FLA of a 1 HP motor at 240 volts would be W = amps x volts, Amps = Watts/Voltage. 746/240 = 3.1 amps full load. Overload the motor and the amps go higher, motor running at no load amps are lower than FLA

How do you calculate watts of power drawn by a 10-amp load on a 120volt circuit?

How do you calculate kw to kva?

Watts = Amps x Volts x Power Factor. VA = Amps x Volts Watts and VA are equal only for resistive load where Power Factor = 1.

How you calculate the cable size of 110 kw load?

Wire is sized by the amount of current the load requires. With a 110 kW load the voltage is needed to calculate the amperage. I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts.

How many amps will a 750kva 3phase bank carry on 277-480 volts?

If the total bank is 750kVA, full load amps is 902A.

How do you calculate full load in single phase circuit?

The question has to be more specific. Full load amps, watts or voltage. Please restate your question.

How do you figure resistance with watts and amps?

Assuming a pure resistive load. Watts = Amps x Volts therefore Volts = Watts / Amps Volts = Amps x Resistance therefore Resistance = Volts / Amps Therefore, Resistance = (Watts / Amps) / Amps and simplified that means Resistance = Watts / ( Amps x Amps)

How do volts get power?

Volts cause current to flow through the load. The current is measured in amps, and the volts multiplied by the amps gives the power in watts.

What is the difference between full load amps and running load amps?

Full load amps is the maximum rated amps that the motor should draw according to its nameplate rating. Running load amps is the actual amperage the motor is drawing at that point in time when the test is taken. Some motor loads vary depending on if the load is cyclic. The reading on this type of motor would be from no load amps to full load amps.

How do you calculate the load in a power distribution line?

To make a load calculation, you'd need the voltage (volts) and the current (amps) in the distribution line. That would give you the power consumption (watts), and you could find that by multiplying volts times amps. P = I x E [Power equals current times voltage.]

If you multiply amps times volts the answer will be in units of?

Watts = Amps x Volts for a resistive load. It is sometimes denoted as volt-amperes or VA.

How many Amps in 3KV?

There are zero amps in 3000 volts. A load needs to be connected to the voltage.

What will be current drawn by 3 phase 85 hp submersible motor?

The current should be listed on the motor nameplate as FLC or FLA (full load current/full load amps). Starting current is listed as LRC (locked rotor current). However, to calculate current for any load, divide watts by voltage. 1 hp = 746 watts 85 hp = 63410 watts 63410 watts / 208volts = 304.85 amps 63410 watts / 480 volts = 132.10 amps

A 240 volt single phase circuit has a resistive load of 8500 what is the net calculated current to supply this load?

Ohm's law: Volts = Amps * Ohms, or Amps = Volts / Ohms 240 volts / 8500 ohms = 28 milliamps

Is a wattmeter required to measure the active power delivered to a resistive load?

No. If the load is truly resistive, just measure the voltage across the load (in volts)and the current flowing in it (in amps) and multiply them. eg: 115 volts at 1.5 amps = 172.5 watts.

How many amps does a 40 hp motor draw at 208 volts?

It depends on the motor type, efficiency, and load on the motor. I found one example motor that draws ~100A at full load.

What is the formula for calculating the full current load of a 400 watt light?

Assuming an incandescent bulb and a 120 volt supply the formula is Watts = Volts x Amps x Power Factor where PF = 1 for resistive load. Amps = 400 / 120.

How many amps can a 3000 watt generator supply at 120 volts?

The equation that you are looking for is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts. The generator has the capacity to supply 25 amps. Of course the load is what governs the amount of amperage drawn. Any load greater than 25 amps will load the generator down and probably trip the generator's breaker.

How do you calculate the fuse rating level if the full load is 4 amp?

A fuse rating is normally the 120% of the rated full load current. So, 4 amps times 120% is (4x120%) = 4.8amps

How much current will flow in a circuit with a 12 VDC source connected to a 1K load?

In a 12VDC circuit with a 1K load, there will be 12ma of current. (Ohm's law: Volts = Amps * Ohms, so Amps = Volts / Ohms.)

Volts, Amps, Watages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance

How many amps can you use in a 1000 watt 110 volt generator?

Actually it is considered a 120 volt generator. 1,000 watts divided by 120 volts equals 8.3 amps. 80% of 8.3 amps is 6.64 amps would be the safest full load.

What would full load amps be on a 480volt 90 kw electric heater be pulling 36 amps per leg?

90 kW on 480 volts single phase would be 187.5 amps. On 480 v 3-phase it would be 108 amps.

What is the difference between motor full load current and motor full load amps?

Both terminologies are the same. The commonly used terminology used for a motor is FLA which is short for full load amps.

How do you calculate the no-load current of a three phase induction motor?

As simple 'rule of thumb' the no-load current of a three phase induction motor is about a quarter of its full load current in amps.

What size of wire will you use for a 10 hp 3 phase motor and the current rating of the breaker?

The breaker sizing will be governed by the size of the motor's full load amps. The wire used to feed the motor is based on the voltage of the motors full load amperage. Either the motor's full load amps or the motor's voltage have to be stated to calculate an answer this question.

How many amps are needed for 6000 watts at 240 volts?

The minimum is (6000/240) amps for an ideal load, i.e. 25 amps.

How many amps in 3 AA batterys?

3 AA batteries provide about 4.5 volts. The amps depend on the load but for D-cells a load of 10 amps can be sustained for short periods.

What size circuit breaker do you need for a 40HP motor?

Read the specification plate on the motor to determine the amount of current that the motor uses, as well as the voltage and phase. Most likely, it will be a 3 phase motor, so you can't simply connect it to your house wiring, but without sufficient information, it is impossible to tell you all of the specifics. <<>> The code book rates the amperage of a three phase 40 HP motor by different voltages. at… Read More

How many Amps for 3 horsepower at 208 volts?

For a single phase 3 HP motor at 208 volts the amperage is 18.7 amps. For a three phase 3 HP motor at 208 volts the amperage is 10.5 amps. This figure is derived at by taking the full load amps at 230 volts and adding 10%. As the voltage goes down the amperage goes up. For 200 volt motors 15% is added to the FLA of a 230 volt motor.

How do you calculate the required cable size for 100 hp 120 amp 3 phase 400 volts motor?

The required cable size is based on the amperage draw of the motor. The motor amperage stated is 120 amps. The electrical code states that the conductor capacity of a motor load has to be 125% of the motors full load amps. 120 x 125% = 150 amps. Form the electrical code book, a #1 wire with an insulation factor of 75 or 90 degrees C is rated at 130 and 140 amps respectively. The… Read More

Convert kva to full load amps?

How many amps does 1200 watts equal?

Watts = Amps x Volts x Power Factor Maximum value of PF is 1 for a resistive load. If you have 120 volts and a PF = 1, then amps = 10.

How many miliamp is 1.5 watts at 12 volts?

1000 milliamperes = 1 amp. Assuming a resistive load, amps = watts / volts = .125 amps or 125 milliamperes

How do you calculate load in KW?

1 KW = 1000 Watts You get Watts by multiplying Amps by Volts. Find out what Voltage whatever it is you're running needs, and then multiply it by the Amps it draws and you'll get your Watts or Killowatts if you go over a thousand.

What is the FLA at 230 volts with nameplate amps of 20 and voltage of 230?

If the nameplate states 20 amps then that is the full load amperage when the motor is running. The start up current on the motor could reach 300% of the FLA depending on the type of motor and the load that is connected to the motor.

How many lights and switches 20 amp circuit?

At 120 volts you can have up to 1920 watts of full-time load on 20 amps, which is 80 percent of the rating.

How much power does a load drawing 15A with 120V across it comsume?

How many watts in 5 volts?

Five volts is zero watts. Watts are the product of amps times volts. Find the amperage of the load and them multiply it by the 5 volts and that will give you your answer.

6 amps one way switch how much load?

To answer this question the voltage must be known. Watts = Amps x Volts.

How do you measure amperes?

You use an 'amp gauge' to measure amps in an actual circuit. It is hooked in series with the load. It can be placed anywhere in the circuit as long as it is hooked in series. Mathematically, you have to know the resistance, or wattage and voltage of a circuit. Volts=amps*resistance or amps=volts/resistance, or resistance=volts/amps. Ohms law!

How many amps does a 400w inverter draw from a 12 volt system?

Assuming no loss in the circuitry: Amps * Volts = Watts Amps * 12 = 400 Amps = 400 / 12 Amps = 33.33333... BUT inverts build heat, and that heat wastes electrical energy Your inverter is probably drawing (at full load) somewhere near 40 amps.

What will be the full load current of single phase 5Kva ups?

Assuming single phase voltage 220 Volts AC, the maximum current would be approximately 25 amps.

How many amps will a 4300 watt generator produce?

Watts = Volts x Amps x Power Factor Max Power Factor is 1 for a resistive load. Assuming 120 volts generated then 4300 / 120 = Amps.

Volts Amps Wattages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance Calculator

How many amps into 240volt?

There are zero amp into or in 240 volts. These are two different entities. A load needs to be connected to the 240 volt supply and then the amps will flow in relationship to the resistance of the load.

What size wire do you need for 650 watts?

To answer this question a voltage needs to be stated. Wire is sized by the amount of amperage the load takes. W = Amps x Volts. Amps = 650/ volts.

NEC maximum current for different wire sizes

Watts To Amps

Max. Current10A15A20A30A55A75A95A130A170A

Volts Amps Watages How Do I Calculate The Max Distance In Excel

Resistance increases with length

The reason different wire lengths bear different ratings is because the electrical resistance builds up as the cable gets longer. At that point, up-sizing the power cable will restore the voltage to its intended level.

Acceptable Power Loss

Undersizing the wire size will result in excessive power (watts) being lost in the wires rather than delivered to the load (battery bank, inverter. Typically we recommend the power loss below 5%.

Voltage Drop

A 5% voltage drop causes an approximate 10% loss in light output. Voltage drop causes a nearly proportional drop in light output. A voltage drop greater than 5% will reduce this necessary voltage difference, and can reduce charge current to the battery by a much greater percentage. Our general recommendation here is to size for a 2-3% voltage drop. If you think that the PV array may be expanded in the future, size the wire for future expansion.

Don't choke the flow of power

On the other hand, installing too large a wire gauge doesn't really have a downside, but there is the potential for better performance. Obviously, there's no need to buy 2-gauge wiring when 10-gauge will do. That kind of overkill would be a waste of money. But if the calculator could lean either way between two sizes, going with the larger wire size would be the smart choice.

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