Elfbot Heal Exura San

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  1. Elfbot Heal Exura San Antonio
  2. Elfbot Heal Exura San Luis
  3. Elfbot Heal Exura Sand


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Elfbot Heal Exura San Antonio

Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score

Auto 200 listas Mana Training mphigher 250 say exevo mas san mphigher 550 utito tempo san.

Well, tell me your hotkeys?
Theese are mines
F1 - Exura Gran
F2 - Exura Vita/Exura Gran MAs Res
F3 - Utamo Vita
F4 - Paralyze Rune/Exori Frigo
F5 - Exevo Frigo Hur
F6 - Exevo Tera Hur
F7 - Exevo Gran Mas Frigo
F8 - Utani Gran Hur
F9 - Mana potion/Manarune
F10 - Magic Walls
F11 - Sudden death runes
F12 - Fire Bomb Rune/Wild Growth Rune
Ctrl + F1 - Exani Hur 'Up
Ctrl + F2 - Exani Hur 'Down
Ctrl + F3 - Exani Tera
Ctrl + F4 - Utevo Res 'Fire Elemental
Ctrl + F5 - Utevo Res 'Minotaur Archer
F1 - Exura
F2 - Exana Mort
F3 - Exeta Res
F4 - Exori Hur
F5 - Exori
F6 - Exori Gran
F7 - Utito Tempo
F8 - Utani Tempo Hur
F9 - Mana potion/Manarune
F10 - Magic Walls
F11 - Fire Bomb Rune
F12 - Health potions/Uhs
Ctrl + F1 - Exani Hur 'Up
Ctrl + F2 - Exani Hur 'Down
Ctrl + F3 - Exani Tera
Ctrl + F4 - Exori Mas
F1 - Exura Gran
F2 - Exura Vita
F3 - Utamo Vita
F4 - Exori Frigo
F5 - Exevo Vis Hur
F6 - Exevo Gran Mas Flam
F7 - Exevo Gran Mas Vis
F8 - Utani Gran Hur
F9 - Mana potion/Manarune
F10 - Magic Walls
F11 - Sudden death runes
F12 - Fire Bomb Rune
Ctrl + F1 - Exani Hur 'Up
Ctrl + F2 - Exani Hur 'Down
Ctrl + F3 - Exani Tera
Ctrl + F4 - Utevo Res 'Fire Elemental
Ctrl + F5 - Utevo Res 'Minotaur Archer
F1 - Exura Gran
F2 - Exura San
F3 - Exori Con
F4 - Exori San
F5 - Exevo Mas San
F6 - Fire Bomb Rune
F7 - Utamo Tempo San
F8 - UtaniHur
F9 - Mana potion/Manarune
F10 - Magic Walls
F11 - Sudden death runes
F12 - Ultimate healing rune/Great Spirit Potions
Ctrl + F1 - Exani Hur 'Up
Ctrl + F2 - Exani Hur 'Down
Ctrl + F3 - Exani Tera
So, what's yours?
War hotkeys.
1.Perfect Anti Push - Gold Coins, Worms and Potions.
auto 100 listas 'Anti Push: ON' dropitems 283 284 285 ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz 3031] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 ifnot [$topitem.$posx.$posy.$posz 3492] dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3492 2

2.Set Party Members, GUILD MEMBERS as friends - really useful when you dont get a full friend list
auto 500 dontlist {foreach 'screenplayers' $f} if [$f.isfriend 0 && $f.party >= 3 $f.isonnavi $f.warbanner 1] {setrelation '$f.name' 'friend' setrelation '$name' '0'}

3.Set guild enemies as enemy - really useful when you dont get a full enemy list.
auto 500 dontlist {foreach 'screenplayers' $h} if [$h.isfriend 0 && $h.warbanner 2] {setrelation '$h.name' 'enemy' setrelation '$name' '0'}

4.Change Friends/Enemies Outfit & Color - This script will give all your friends that are NOT in navigation and are NOT your combo leader a WHITE WARRIOR FULL, your friends connected on the navigation a RED WARRIOR FULL, your combo leader will get a WHITE SUMMONER FULL if hes not connected on the navigation and a RED SUMMONNER FULL if hes connected. Just remember to activate the 5 scripts (copy and paste on persistent hotkeys).
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allplayers' $a if [$a.isfriend && $a.isonnavi 0 && $a.isleader 0] {setoutfitcolor '$a.name' 0 0 0 0 3 setoutfit '$a.name' 134}
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allplayers' $b if [$b.isfriend && $b.isonnavi 0 && $b.isleader] {setoutfitcolor '$b.name' 0 0 0 0 3 setoutfit '$b.name' 133}
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allplayers' $c if [$c.isfriend && $c.isonnavi 1 && $c.isleader 0] {setoutfitcolor '$c.name' 94 94 94 94 3 setoutfit '$c.name' 134}
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allplayers' $d if [$d.isfriend && $c.isonnavi 1 && $d.isleader] {setoutfitcolor '$d.name' 94 94 94 94 3 setoutfit '$d.name' 133}
auto 500 dontlist foreach 'allplayers' $e if [$e.isenemy] {setoutfitcolor '$e.name' 95 95 95 95 3 setoutfit '$e.name' 134}

5.Hold Attack / Exiva Kill
auto 100 listas 'Exiva Kill / Hold Attack' if [$target.isonscreen && $tgt 0] {attack target set $tgt 1} if [$target.isonscreen 0] {clear $tgt}

6.Auto Haste and Paralyze Healer (DONT WASTE MANA INSIDE PZ) - You can change the 'Utani Gran Hur' to 'Utani Hur', 'Utani Tempo Hur', as you wish.
auto 100 listas 'Auto Haste' if [$inpz 0 && $hasted 0] say 'Utani Gran Hur'

Elfbot Heal Exura San Luis


Elfbot Heal Exura Sand

7.Auto Haste When no Monster Near, and if has monsters around you, heal paralyze with 'Exura'.
auto 100 listas 'Auto Haste' if [$inpz 0 && $hasted 0 && $monstersaround.5 0] say 'Utani Gran Hur' if [$paralyzed && $monstersaround.5 >= 1] say 'Exura'

8.Auto SSA if HP or MP go less than x% - change the red text to change the percentage, change the blue text if you want this to prevent mana damages and DONT use it if you are using a AoL.
auto 10 listas 'Auto SSA' set $pc 40 if [$hppc <pc>= 1 && $amuletslot.id != 3081] {equipammy 3081 wait 90}

9.Keep SSA, and open the next (grey) backpack if no more SSAs.
auto 10 dontlist if [$amuletslot.id != 3081 && $winitemcount.3081 >= 1] {equipammy 3081 if [$amuletslot.id 3081] statusmessage 'SSA Equipped!' end} if [$winitemcount.3081 0 && $winitemcount.2870 >= 1] {openitem 2870 1 1 statusmessage 'Opening next SSA backpack!' end}

10.Exori Gran if target close, exori hur if not
if [$mp > 350 && $target.distance 1] exorigran 101 else exorihur 101

11.Use energy ring if too many enemies on screen (You need to use enemy list)
auto 100 dontlist if [$enemycount >= 4 && $ringslot.id != 3051] {equipring 3051 wait 500} if [$enemycount < 4 && $ringslot.id 3051] {unequip 'ring' '0' wait 500}

12.Healing friends by Ultimate healing potions.(friend list needed)
auto 100 set $potionid 7643 set $perc 60 set $dist 1 clear $best set $lowest 100 foreach 'screenplayers' $fr {if [$fr.distance <= $dist && $fr.hppc < $perc && $fr.hppc < $lowest && ($fr.isfriend $fr.issubfriend)] {set $lowest $fr.hppc set $best $fr}} if [$hppc <= $perc] set $best $self if $best {dashchase $best.id useoncreature $potionid $best.id wait 300}

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